Sunday, June 19, 2011

Illness or Humanity?

As my pregnancy advanced, I concentrated on my artwork. I did not know if I would be lucky in finding another usable crib at the junkyard. Even more so than that, I wanted Stanley and my future children to have a nice home, though I did not know why I cared. What was wrong with me? Was I ill? Maybe I had caught some vile sim disease!


During this pregnancy, the cravings were terrible. I would eat plate after plate of cake, not even moving to wash the used dishes. I feared that I would appear pregnant even after I had given birth. The truth was, there was no similar product to cake on my home planet- I did not know food could be so sweet!


There was also a notable difference from the last pregnancy: I had a baby to care for. Watching Stanley was not a task, however. I liked to watch his face when he played with the few toys he possessed.


It was tiring, however. Each night I hoped against hope Stanley would sleep through the night and then fell into a deep sleep. To my surprise, he never once woke up before the morning. I feared that my other children would not be so extraordinary, but I was relieved that at least Stanley was not so much of a burden.


The time passed quickly, and all too suddenly I woke up, gasping, ready to give birth. Once again, I remained at home. I did not want to pay an ignorant teenage babysitter money (which I did not have) to watch my Stanley!


Porter, my second child, was born amidst the sparkles I had grown accustomed to.


Porter seemed to be a miniature Gil. I was unsure where my genetics had went. Yet despite his normal sim hair, his normal sim skin, it was just the same as with Stanley. Porter was mine, and already I could not imagine being without him.


Quick update, I know! But Porter's too cute to wait to show to you guys :)


  1. I love your challenge so far! I've added a link to it on my baby challenge!

  2. Aww, thanks guys! I've been focusing on my legacy now, but there should be more updates of this soon :)

  3. Awwwww, your challenge is so cool and original!

  4. I know you have not posted in a while but this is a great blog. I would love to add it to my Great Reads list.

  5. Even though you didn't get very far in this challenge, it was a really fun read nonetheless ^^
